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Monday, December 7, 2009

Typical workday

A day in the life of Mindy working at home, with random thoughts and observations throughout.

8:30- daily alarm on my phone wakes me from a dream. can't recall what it was now, but even the quiet "marimba" sound on my phone is shocking enough to put me in an "am i awake?" heart-pounding stupor.

8:45- "dressed" in pj pants & Capt'n Bill's tee, head to the living room, grab fresh Kona coffee Jordan's ground and brewed, and a kiss along the way. Sit down in my living room corner "office," which consists of the "cuddler" corner piece of our sectional (named by Haverty's, I'm not that gushy) and a rockin table that Jordan and I built early this year. Holds my beastly iMac, on which I start working at this point.

9:00ish?-Jordan leaves for work, leaving ESPN on tv. There's a keyboard and a cat in my lap...Rosie cat, could ya grab the remote, or hit 277 for HGTV please? Nope. I get up and realize I'm hungry, and that I have chocolate pound cake (with choc icing, score) from trip to dad's this weekend. Breakfast is served, channel is changed, back to the cuddler.

9:00-11:30- went through past weekend's session photos, chose some "sneak peeks" to edit. Check email, send replies. Check facebook & flickr pages (I might be obsessed with checking views and comments, and other feedback). Phone call with a lovely client, another phone call from a gent wanting to put us on his photographer list so we're searchable with their company (call back next week please, I'm a busy bee and current clients come first until holiday orders are shipped out).

11:30-hungry again, but almost swim time so nothing too heavy...cereal for lunch it is. back to editing.

11:40-1:45- more emailing, more editing. make a point to remember idea for a big Christmas gift I'm working on.

1:45- put on swimsuit and leave for the Y.

2:15-2:45- lap swim like mad. now feeling a tad tired.

3:15- leave the Y so fresh and so clean. Mean to head to post office but with no parking spots and six cars waiting to turn in, head to Southern Season instead. Buy candy for the business (if we've shipped to you lately, you know what I mean) and yet another Christmas gift for Jordan. Head to the bank to grab some cash.

4:00- Arrive at post office, a bit more quiet now. Carry in toppling tower of packages full of client photos. Approx 36 people in line inside, one person at the automated package thing in the lobby. Choose the automated thing, and at my turn buy and print a label for each of the six toppling packages. Label and send off packages.

4:30- Head to Staples to get more printable DVDs, paper, & envelopes. Stand in line behind a student who's clearly had a toke or two before arriving at said store. See a lady rush into the store, go straight to the first counter and ask, "Do y'all have Scotch tape?" Yep, the office supply store has scotch tape, sure enough. Really. Realize that Staples offers UPS shipping. Consider bringing in the one package I need to rush with UPS. Reconsider after seeing how long the line is.

4:45- Arrive at UPS store, woman in front of me is shipping a seemingly 200-ton bronze sculpture. Man at next cashier is shipping three things, and has gone out to his truck for further information for all three. Three times. Finally my turn, I ship my package.

5:00- Realize it's 5:00 and I've eaten a slice of pound cake and Frosted Flakes all day. Hungry stomach + Panera next door=best mac & cheese ever for dinner. Also, silly me chose to wear a thin sweater and no jacket out, slightly chilled. Grab a caramel latte as well to warm up. Drink it on the way home.

5:25- Pull in our apt, check the mail. Package in the office, can't remember if office closes at 5:00 or 6:00. Drive around, 6:00 it is. Grab two packages (UPS brought prints and the other a gift for Jordan:) ). Grab a parking spot. Carry in swim bag, bags from Southern season, Staples, and Panera, two large boxes, purse, and caramel latte. I'm one of those people who'll carry something on each limb to avoid coming back out to the car. Somehow still manage to unlock door to apt. Hang wet suit to dry, hide Jordan's gift, feed the cats, put down the latte and realized it made me full. Save the mac & cheese to eat when Jordan gets home. Sit down. Check email. Call from Jordan as he's on his way home.

6:00- Jordan's home. Eating mac & cheese and baguette now. Watching Pearl Harbor because it's December 7th. Back to editing and working on the big Christmas gift. Probably til around midnight. Sneak peeks of the Chengs being converted now, uploaded soon.

Good evening, loves. :)


your sister, Gabby :). December 7, 2009 at 8:13 PM  

what a busy day, haha.
so what's his christmas presents?

JAM Photography, LLC December 7, 2009 at 10:26 PM  

I can't tell you here, he reads this silly. :) Lots of things, but the big gift I'm speaking of isn't for him. :)

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"JAM" is Jordan And Mindy. We're a couple of photographers based in Chapel Hill, NC, who love photographing pretty much everything we can. Families, moms-to-be, little ones, couples of all ages, best of friends, graduates, musicians, weddings, and most any other event you might hold. We are more than happy to travel! Visit our website to contact us, or email Mindy at with your request.

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